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WP5 Focus Group Virtual Meetings

imagem do sobre do 2366WP5 Focus Group Virtual Meetings

From 23rd to 25th June 2020, six focus group meetings (FGMs) on common governance principles for the reuse of health data were held by the T5.3 team as virtual workshops. The three days were organised for three different target groups/audiences:

DAY 1. Technology and Interoperability, Tuesday, 23 June 2020
DAY 2. Public Health and Research, Wednesday, 24 June 2020
DAY 3. Policy and Regulation, Thursday, 25 June 2020

A total of 101 participants from 26 European countries attended the 6 events.

FGMs helped WP5 to find replies to questions regarding policy level unmet needs for common principals and practical guidance why and how to foster innovative use of health data, big data and AI, as well as how to implement available relevant recommendations. In addition, 12 draft principles, developed by WP5 prior to the FGMs, were discussed allowing the WP team to further develop and reshape them in order to prepare their submission to the eHealth Network. Principles were also rated and prioritised by participants putting them in order of importance.

Participants could rate the preliminary principles during the registration period, and the result of the rating was introduced at the PGMs (see Figure 5).

Participants were asked to prioritise the further developed and reshaped principles at the wrap-up of the FGMs. The aggregated result of the voting is introduced in Figure 6.

WP5 workshop results

Click in the following links to read the complete pitches:

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Thursday, 25 June 2020

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