Workpackage 4 focuses on the subject of People Empowerment. The original goal was to work on Patient Empowerment, but the workpackage decided to change the word patient to people whereas the feeling of empowerment within your health is important for all people. People Empowerment can be described as:
“a process that helps people gain control over their own lives and increases their capacity to act on issues that they themselves define as important” – European Patients’ Forum
The program of eHAction workpackage 4 delivered two documents on People Empowerment. The first document is the Policy Framework on People Empowerment, and the second is the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment. Both documents can be found below.
The Policy Framework encompasses a framework describing how to gain the feeling of empowerment within your health. The base of the framework is composed of the AMO framework, a model in order to change behavior. We’ve adapted the model in a way that it results in an empowered feeling.
The Policy Framework has been delivered in November 2019. The original document can be accessed at the bottom of the page. However, we recommend reading the Digital Magazine first! The Digital Magazine includes a short introduction, the model and the most important results of the document, followed by a preview of our Policy Proposal.
The second and last document, the Policy Proposal, was finalized in November 2020 and adopted on the 18th eHealth Network meeting. The four priority areas of the Policy Proposal are: Legislation, trust as key, integration & interoperability, quality standards & assessment, users at the centre, digital health literacy of people, behavioural change through motivation, awareness/involvement of the social environment, awareness/involvement of health professionals.
The Policy Proposal is aligned with the strategic goal of the eHealth Network to work towards the implementation of patient-centred eHealth solutions in all Member States and to equip people with the adequate digital tools and skills for people empowerment. Therefore, the purpose of the document is to present a policy proposal with a broad list of focus points and recommendations for adoption by Member States in order to improve the empowerment of their citizens.
To help Member States to implement the recommendations we are organising two workshops and a brief deliverable in the form of a easily consumable two-pager in the beginning of 2021.
Bellow you may find our timeline, displaying WP4’s biggest milestones.
After the D4.2 Policy Proposal was approved by the eHN in November 2020, the digital magazine needed to be updated. We summarized the results of the proposal and delivered a new version. The new digital magazine will be published online and disseminated among the consortium in February 2021.
20th of January – Webinar Priority areas and recommendations
After the workshop in September 2019, we developed 9 priority areas based in the input we gathered during the workshop. We divided these priority areas among our contributors and asked them to do a literature search on the subject, describing the priority area in relation to people empowerment. During the webinar we asked all contributors to present their work so far and to discuss the results.
11th and 12th of June: Digital workshops per priority area
Between January and June we asked all contributors to develop their chapter for their priority area, and to start thinking about possible recommendations. We discussed the chapters with the contributor of that priority area in separate digital workshops. Priority area 9 was written by the workpackage leaders, therefore no separate meeting was necessary. – 11th of June: priority area 1, 3, 4 and 5 – 12th of June: priority area 6, 7, 8 and 2
27th of August – Digital workshop
The workshop in August was the final workshop before the submission of the Policy Proposal to the eHN. During the workshop we discussed the document, the recommendations for each priority area and we discussed the possibility of including key performance measures for each recommendation. Present during the workshop were our contributors, but also our stakeholders (Ikone, mHealth Hub, European Commission and the Dutch Ministry). After the workshop we finalized the document with the results of the workshop and submitted the final version in September 2020.
27th of September – First version of Digital Magazine online!
Approval draft 4.2 Policy Proposal
2nd March| Deadline for submitting the draft version of the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment.
9th March| Approval of the draft version of the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment by the Leadership Council.
19th March| Approval of the draft version of the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment by the Steering Council.
3rd June| Approval of the draft version of the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment by the eHealth Network.
Approval final 4.2 Policy Proposal
29th September| Deadline for submitting the final version of the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment.
14th October| Approval of the final version of the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment by the Leadership Council.
22nd October| Approval of the final version of the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment by the Steering Council.
13th November| Approval of the draft version of the Policy Proposal on People Empowerment by the eHealth Network.
19th – 20th September 2019 |2nd People Empowerment Workshop
On the 19th and 20th of September, the WP4 leaders organised the “People Empowerment Workshop” in Amsterdam. Each WP4 task contributors and stakeholders took part in brainstorming sessions on the deliverable D4.1 Policy Framework on People Empowerment, and discussed the results of the different tasks and consolidated relevant information about the collected data. On the second day, stakeholders presented the projects they are involved in and gave contributions about policy making and proposals in the field of health, focusing on People Empowerment. The workshop resulted in defined priorities and verified the structure of the deliverable D4.2 Policy Proposal. The program of the meeting can be found here.
Approval draft D4.1 Policy Framework
29th March| Deadline for submitting the draft version of the Policy Framework on People Empowerment.
3rd April| Approval of the draft version of the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the Leadership Council.
17th April| Approval of the draft version of the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the Steering Council.
11th– 12th June| Approval of the draft version of the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the eHealth Network.
Approval Final D4.1 Policy Framework and information note D4.2 Policy Proposal
26th September| Deadline for submitting the final version of the Policy Framework on People Empowerment. 9th October| Approval of the final version of the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the Leadership Council. 23rd October| Approval of the final version of the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the Steering Council. 28th– 29th November| Approval of the final version of the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the eHealth Network.
Brainstorm WP leaders 1st – 3rd May 2019| Brainstorm WP4 leaders in Talin
The first face to face brainstorm between the WP leaders of WP4. The goal was to analyze and process the answers of the survey and use the results develop the framework.
26th November 2019| Brainstorm WP4 leaders in The Hague
The second face to face brainstorm between the WP leaders. The goal was to develop a structure for the Policy Proposal of the second deliverable and to categorize the priority areas used for the recommendations.
Kick off eHAction program
1st June 2018| eHAction “the start”
The official starting date for the eHealth Action program.
21st June 2018| 2nd Lisbon eHealth Summer week – Kick off eHaction
The kick-off meeting of eHAction, the third Joint Action supporting the eHealth Network, was held on June 21st at the Centro Cultural de Belém, in Lisbon. The lines of action for the Multi-Annual Work Programme 2018-2021 were presented by representatives of each Work Package, in a joint collaboration that aims to meet the objectives in five priority areas: empowering citizens, innovative use of health data, improving continuity of care, overcoming implementation challenges, and strengthen eHealth policies and sustainability.
19th July 2018| Individual t-con WP4 leaders
Starting t-con between WP4 leaders and Coordinator SPMS to discuss workpackage, calendar and Multi Annual Workplan.
7th August 2018| Signature of the GA
All the involved Member States have signed the Grand Agreement to account for their participation within the program.
Workshop 2018
18th October 2018| 1st People Empowerment Workshop
Work Package leaders Estonia and the Netherlands invited their contributors to attend the kick-off workshop for Work Package 4 ‘empowering people’ in the Sheraton Hotel at Schiphol Airport. The aims and objectives of the day were to meet one-another face to face, to get a common understanding on the content of patient empowerment and to work on a work approach for the upcoming years. The program of the meeting can be found here.
Approval Information Note
24th September| Deadline for submitting the information note concerning the Policy Framework on People Empowerment, a document which provides a short summary of the structure, plans and content of the deliverable.
10th October| LC approval of the information note concerning the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the Leadership Council. The first line of council, consisting of all WP leaders and the coordinator.
17th October| SC approval of the information note concerning the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the Steering Council. The second line of council, consisting of strategic advisors from the Member States and the coordinator.
13rd November| eHealth Network approval of the information note concerning the Policy Framework on People Empowerment by the eHealth Network. Final line of council, consisting of members of Ministry’s of Health from the Member States.
Survey 21st December 2018| Survey to SC
At the end of 2018, WP4 send out a survey as a research instrument in order to study the state of play of people empowerment in the member states with regard to the four tasks: mHealth, Patient Access and use of data, Digital health literacy and Telehealth. All Member States within the eHaction programme received the survey. The survey outline can be found here.
15th February 2019| deadline for survey MS
Deadline for the Member States to submit their survey. In total, WP4 received surveys from 19 Member States.
16th of June 2017 | Preparatory Meeting of the eHealth Network Joint Action
The first meeting with the 21 countries involved in the project established the project coordination and overall project management. The development of content and division for Work Packages started. Stakeholders involvement and financial and administrative issues were debated.
18th of July 2017 | 2nd Preparatory Meeting
This preparatory meeting occurred at the negotiation phase before the final submission. The alignment of the proposal and the discussion of topics to be included in eHAction’s submitted proposal were debated, as well as the Stakeholders involvement, financial and administrative issues.
7th of September 2017 | 3rd Preparatory Meeting
Work Packages and division of tasks and deliverable were established and consolidated. The results of the Open Consultation with Stakeholders were discussed. It was established that the handover from JAseHN to eHAction would take place in June 2018.
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