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eHAction | Joint Action Supporting the eHealth Network

We are better Health

Digital revolution is a transversal phenomenon to many sectors and healthcare is no exception. In the eHealth Action we embrace change, looking forward to contributing to better healthcare in Europe.

With a Consortium composed by representatives from 30 EU countries, the eHealth Action aims to reflect digital health importance as a complementary resource for public health and services.  

Exploring technologies and tools to facilitate chronic disease management, increasing the sustainability and effectiveness of health systems, enabling personalized care and empowering people is what we are striving for.

What are we working on?

The Joint Action is developing strategic guidance and tools in the following Priority Areas:

Empowering people
Enabling patients’ control over their own health, through informed and sustainable uptake of digital tools in healthcare;

Innovative use of health data
Developing methodologies to better handle big data in health;

Enhancing continuity of care
Supporting eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure uptake;

Overcoming implementation challenges
Developing guidelines for interoperability, data protection and systems security in healthcare;

Integration in national policies & sustainability
Preparing post-2021 cross-border policy cooperation and integration of its results in national policies.

eHAction Consortium

The eHealth Action brings Member States together to work on a common vision at national and EU level: to strengthen the use of information and communication technologies in health development.

From field applications to the implementation of EU strategies and governance, this Joint Action includes close collaboration with the European Commission, DG SANTE, DG CONNECT, DG DIGIT and other EU stakeholders.

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