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Henrique Martins

General Coordinator

Henrique Martins is an Internal Medicine Specialist, university professor and an international author on health management, leadership and medical informatics. He obtained his doctorate from the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge with a thesis on “The use of Mobile ICT in clinical Settings”.
Working at EU level since 2012, Henrique Martins was national coordinator for Portugal in the epSOS project (, aiming to develop a service infrastructure for cross-border interoperability between electronic health record systems in Europe. He was the Coordinator of the thematic network called EXPAND, which followed from epSOS, bridging into deploying sustainable cross-border services under CEF. After epSOS ending, Henrique Martins proposed the creation of eHealth Network Subgroup for Implementation (SG4i) that worked to prepare Member States in legal andprocedure mechanisms, preparing  MS for CEF calls. He was also involved in other high visibility European projects as Trillium Bridge, ValueHealth, eSENS, eStandards, Proempower and EUROCAS.

Work Packages 1 to 3 deal with the management and support of the Joint Action (JA) on various levels.


Diogo Martins

Graduated in Health Equipment and Technology, the academic background consists of Electronics, ICT & Medical Devices. Holds an MD in Healthcare Information Systems Management obtained in partnership between the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) and Faculty of Medicine of Oporto (FMUP) with a thesis in eHealth field: “Impact of using mobile handheld technology in health care delivery: a Systematic Review”. He has worked as Medical devices consultant, key account manager and most recently as ICT Project Manager in SPMS working on Healthcare data sharing – Radiology and DICOM Imaging; Infrastructure for Healthcare data sharing – XDS, IHE and Telemedicine Platform. He has been able to make a “bridge” from ICT field experience how important is to engage Healthcare professionals and citizens to healthcare improvements. Currently, he works at SPMS as Coordinator for International Relations and Projects. Being responsible for SPMS’ international cooperation, he coordinates the 3rd Joint Action supporting the eHealth Network.

Diogo Gomes

Diogo Gomes has a bachelor’s degree in industrial management engineering, holds a master’s degree in public management with thesis in the field of Information Systems in Public Administration, European University, postgraduate in Organization of Events, Image and Protocol, Lisbon University, Postgraduate in digital strategic communication. He currently works at SPMS as Director of communication, public relations, external affairs and protocol. He was councillor adjunct at Municipality of Santarém and Engineer at Lusiprojecto – Engineering Solutions.

Isabella Weber

As an eHealth Project Lead, Isabella Weber works for the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection since 2010. She studied European Economics and entrepreneurship and holds a PhD in health administration. She was involved in the project coordination of the eHealth Governance Initiative and guided as project coordinator the operational work of the Joint Action to support the eHealth Network (JAseHN). JAseHN served the eHealth Network as a preparatory body between 2015 and 2018. For the eHAction, she is in charge of WP3 (Evaluation).

Work Packages 4 to 7 represent the strategic areas that were built according to the four main priority areas defined in the eHealth Network’s Multiannual Work Programme 2018-2021.

Empowering People
Innovative Use of Health Data
Enhancing Continuity of Care
Overcoming Implementation Challenges
eHealth National Policies and Sustainability

Elise Peters

Elise Peters has Master degrees in Communication and Information Sciences (MA) and Public Information Management (MSc). She worked for several health projects in an Academic Medical Center and followed an information management traineeship. She joined Nictiz in 2016 as medior advisor, being active in JAseHN 2 WP5 and task 7.5 and other national projects.

István Csizmadia

István Csizmadia works at the EU Project Management Directorate of ÁEEK. He is Head of International Programmes and Projects. He has extensive 27 years’ experience in a) Preparing, planning and managing EU funded programmes, b) Strategic planning, c) Preparing and submitting applications for EU grant, d) Implementing and coordinating EU projects, e) Evaluating applications and monitoring projects, f) Generating and providing support to innovation, cluster, logistic, transport, energy, environment and health programmes and projects, g) Working with international organizations e.g. EU COM, EU Council, UN organizations, h) Preparing and implementing bilateral and multilateral international agreements.

Beatrice Kluge

Beatrice Kluge holds a master’s degree in medical information technology. She had contributed to the set-up of the Central Biomaterial Bank Charité (ZeBanC), which is one of the German Biobank Nodes. At gematik she works in the department of Innovation on a number of future applications in the context of the national healthcare IT infrastructure in Germany. In that capacity, she is frequently involved with various stakeholders of the German health system and the German Ministry of Health to reconcile their diverse interests and positions. On European level, she was in charge of eID, of health professional registries and of stakeholder liaison with European Commission’s eHealth Stakeholder Group within the JAseHN joint action. Now she actively contributes as work package and task leader of eHAction WP6 – Enhancing Continuity of Care.

Konstantinos Chondropoulos

Electronic Engineer (BEng), Electrical and Computer Science Engineer (BEng), MEng Electrical Sector, MSc Digital Systems. Holds PMP certification from PMI. Worked in big Technical Companies of Greece, in Petroleum industry, Cement Industry and in Hellenic Institute of Metrology. Worked at General Hospital of Thessaloniki “G. Papanikolaou”, initially at the Biomedical Department and later as Head of the IT Department. Project Manager in various Biomedical and IT projects in Hospitals. Has teaching experience since 2000 in technical universities, in the National Centre of Public Administration (Regional Teaching Institute of public servants) and other training institutes. Currently he is Deputy Manager at General Hospital of Thessaloniki “O Agios Dimitrios”. Member of JAseHN Greek work team since 2015. Coordinator of the Greek team of the 3rd JA on Ehealth.

Michèle Thonnet

Michèle Thonnet has a PhD in Applied Mathematics and Medical Informatics and also graduated in Political Sciences and Public Law. She is a health, information systems and security specialist, with more than 25 years of experience, as well as author of many publications. Michèle joined the French Ministry of Health where she served for six years at the General Inspectorate for Social and Health Affairs (IGAS). At the European level she joined the steering board of large projects, committed to the implementation of “Large Scale Pilots” to improve cross-border healthcare (epSOS), leading the eHealth EU interoperability roadmap initiatives (CALLIOPE, eHGI, JAseHN), actively involved in the design and realisation of several others (PARENT, Trillium Bridge, EXPAND, VALUeHEALTH, RD-Action, Rare Diseases Task Force). Currently, she is the eHealth European & International Affairs Executive at the French Ministry of Solidarity and Health, and its representative on diverse European health committees and at the eHealth Network, actively involved in the design of the triennial work programmes (2012-2015 & 2015-2018) and leading the work on cross-border eHealth exchange sustainability post 2021.

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