Work Packages

Work Packages 1 to 3 deal with the management and support of the Joint Action (JA) on various levels.

Work Packages 4 to 7 represent the strategic areas that were built according to the four main priority areas defined in the eHealth Network’s Multiannual Work Programme 2018-2021.

Work Package 8 is a European Commission’s mandatory Work Package, with the aim of preparing for continuity post-2021 of cross border policy cooperation, and integration of its results in national policies.

eHAction Management Work Packages


Lead beneficiary: SPMS

• Manages the Action and ensures it is implemented as planned.

• Ensures timely submission of project deliverables to eHealth Network, prior to their bi-annual meetings, in order to support the work progress of the eHN members.


Lead beneficiary: SPMS

• Develops an effective, macro and common dissemination strategy of the Joint Action;

• Informs the Member States and other countries about the JA, its orientation and available outputs for further exploitation;

• Fosters stakeholder involvement.

WP2 Deliverables

Lead beneficiary: ATNA

• Verifies if the action is being implemented as planned and reaches its objectives;

• Focuses on Work Packages’ performance in delivering the requested inputs to the eHealth Network;

• Evaluates whether Action deliverables meet eHealth Network needs and expectations.

Core Work Packages

Empowering People
Innovative Use of Health Data
Enhancing Continuity of Care
Overcoming Implementation Challenges
eHealth National Policies and Sustainability


Leader: Nictiz     Co-Leader: MoSA

The mission of WP4 is to empower people to actively participate in their health and care process by building their capacity to use, understand and control their medical data through digital tools.

WP4 Tasks:

4.1 mHealth and health apps reliability

4.2 Patient access and use of data

4.3 Digital health literacy of patients

4.4 TeleHealth

WP4 Deliverables


Leader: NHSC        Co-Leader: THL

WP5 is committed to make an impact on the use of health data, as well as assisting data-driven innovation leading to patient-centred health systems, evidence-based health policies and decision-making.

WP5 Tasks:

5.1 Mapping, awareness raising and policy relevant actions on innovative use of big data in health

5.2 Sharing and learning best practices on European level

5.3 Towards an attempt to define common principles for practical governance


Leader: Gematik    Co-Leader: DoH

WP6 aims to facilitate the adoption of current cross-border services into MS’s legal frameworks to promote the implementation of interoperable solutions in healthcare systems, supported by eHDSI.

WP6 Tasks:

6.1 Support of eHDSI uptake

6.2 Support of legal eHDSI matters

6.3 eSkills for Professionals

WP6 Deliverables


Leader: 3rd-RHA  Co-Leader: MZCR

WP7 aims at providing the eHealth Network, national/European health authorities and eHealth professionals with guidelines and recommendations for implementing interoperable and secure eHealth services at national and cross-border levels.

WP7 Tasks:

7.1 Recommendations on how to implement interoperability guidelines in large healthcare organisations

7.2 Data protection

7.3 Data and systems security

WP7 Deliverables


Leader: MoH-FR    Co-Leader: SPMS

Work Package 8 is a European Commission’s mandatory Work Package aimed at preparing the continuity of cross border policy cooperation post 2021.

WP8 Tasks:

8.1 National and international eHealth strategies

8.2 Policy document about technology report

8.3 Post 2021 scenarios for eHealth policy cooperation

WP8 Deliverables