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Overcoming Implementation Challenges

Addressing citizens as individuals who should take na active role in their health care process.

Expected achievementsTopicsExpected outcome

Enable the authentication of the parties concerned and the secure exchange of trusted health data among diverse systems;

Promote the use and consistent operationalization of appropriate frameworks for eHealth;

Increase the strategic coordination of ICT standardization, foster the collaboration among all interested parties;

Overcome obstacles in the consistent application of existing eHealth standards and promote the EU-wide adoption and use of appropriate methods to increase the semantic interoperability across borders;

D.1 Interoperability of digital healthcare infrastructure

Interoperable digital infrastructure (software and hardware) of healthcare providers using a common format for cross-border exchange of health data.

Promote e-competencies among health care professionals;

D.2 eSkills for Professionals

Equip healthcare professionals with eSkills for eHealth services.

Promote data protection and data security;

D.3 Data Protection and Data Security

Increase trust in eHealth by overcoming the implementation challenges of the relevant EU legal frameworks on data protection, security, authentication of the actors, and privacy.

Promote evaluation eHealth services best practices.

D.4 Evaluation of e-Health

Improved transparency and evidence-based evaluation on the progress, results and impact of eHealth adoption.
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