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The eHealth Network

Created under Article 14 of Directive 2011/24/EU, the eHealth Network (eHN) is a voluntary network aimed to ensure progress on digital health and to bridge the gaps between the governance strategy and operational levels.

Responsible for eHealth policies in Europe, the eHN provides a platform for Member States’ competent authorities, being scientifically and technically supported by a Joint Action (JA).

Joint Actions to support the eHealth Network

  1. eHGI – eHealth Governance Initiative (2012-2014)
  2. JAseHN – Joint Action to support the eHN (2015-2018)
  3. eHAction – Joint Action supporting the eHN (2018-2021)

1st Multiannual Work Programme 2012-2014

The first MWP’s priority was the development of guidelines. With the support of the eHealth Governance Initiative, the eHN adopted the Patient Summary guideline (Nov. 2013), the ePrescription guideline (Nov. 2014) and set the agenda for further developments on electronic identification (eID) and the debate on data protection.

2nd Multiannual Work Programme 2015-2018

This MWP was built on the achievements of the first MWP.
The 2nd MWP identified the following 4 main areas:

  1. Interoperability and standardisation
  2. Exchange of knowledge
  3. Monitoring and assessment of the the implementation
  4. Global cooperation and positioning

3rd Multiannual Work Programme 2018-2021

The current MWP 2018-2021 agreed to focus on four priority areas:

pulvinar tempus efficitur. ultricies sem, elit.