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1st eHAction Interoperability Workshop for Hospital CIOs and CEOs

imagem do sobre do 7071st eHAction Interoperability Workshop for Hospital CIOs and CEOs

Theme | Implementation challenges in eHealth Interoperability
Data | July 10-11, 2019
Local | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Research Committee Conference Center, 3rd Septemvriou, Thessaloniki, 546 36, Greece

eHAction Strategic Objectives
eHAction is a MS Joint Action, supporting the political discussions within the eHealth Network (eHN) of Member States/Countries (MS/C) and European Commission (EC) and to facilitate the cooperation in the following four priority areas as laid down in the multiannual work program (MWP) of the eHN: Empowering people; Innovative use of health data; Enhancing continuity of care; and Overcoming implementation challenges.
This will be a two-day workshop, tackling the fourth priority area, focusing on health care organizations and with the participation of key experts from European hospitals dealing with the real-life interoperability challenges in their organizations.

Workshop Objectives
The first objective of the workshop aims to discuss practical approaches to solving interoperability questions and understanding the security challenges in the digital ecosystem of health care organizations. Issues to be addressed include procuring interoperable solutions in the hospital, operationalizing interoperability in practice. In addition to providing a forum for discussion and exchange of experience between European leaders in the above areas, the workshop will support the eHAction objective for delivering a practical guide for hospital managers, Chief Information Officers and other IT staff of European hospitals on how to effectively master their interoperability challenges.
A second objective of the workshop is to launch the discussion on the Cybersecurity topics addressed within eHAction with a focus on identifying security priority areas for Health Care Providers (HCPs) that could benefit from joint efforts in the EU.

Format of Work
The workshop will adopt a highly interactive format of work aiming to identify those aspects that need to be most urgently addressed, capture practices that have proven efficient in practice and enable a co-creation approach for the respective eHAction documents, supporting the relative eHealth Network work items.

Who should attend
We expect experts with extensive experience in their field to share with us the way they have managed to solve interoperability issues in their healthcare organizations. It would be great to exchange hands-on experience. We would also like to take the opportunity of launching the discussion on the Information Security work within eHAction.
• We are hoping to engage 3-4 experts (CEOs and CIOs) per MS
• There will be no reimbursement by eHAction centrally for these experts
• MS are requested to engage a small number of their most appropriate experts and if necessary consider supporting them to attend the workshop.

Please find here the Agenda.

For more information:

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