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Event | EU Cooperation to Empower Citizens' Health & Care

imagem do sobre do 2708Event | EU Cooperation to Empower Citizens’ Health & Care

The ‘EU Cooperation to Empower Citizens’ Health & Care’ closing event took place on the 1st of July 2021.

This internal closing event gathered the project’s work packages leaders and main contributors with the aim to reflect on the progress made and to discuss the future of eHealth cooperation.

The initiative underlined the importance of international cooperation, as well as the added value that these types of initiatives can bring to the national level while fostering cross-border interoperability. On this basis, each work package had the opportunity to provide their perspective on the work conducted and present their outlook for the future of eHealth cooperation in the EU.

This event represented the first out of three initiatives that aim to close and disseminate the eHAction project. The final event will take place on the 21st of July 2021 and will be open to all interested parties.

Stay tuned for more news soon.

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