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Enhancing continuity of care

Addressing healthcare systems and providers who should adopt interoperable across-border solutions.

Expected achievements:TopicsExpected outcome
Wide adoption of CBeHIS services, including overcoming the current difficulties on achieving legal interoperabilityC.1 Stimulating and supporting the adoption of CBeHISFull exploitation of the CBeHIS services
Financial and operational Sustainability of CBeHISC.2 Explore the need and conditions for the new use-cases, aligned with the eHDSI principlesIdentifying and developing new use cases and the sustainability of eHDSI
Clear view on how to proceed on the development of other CBeHISC.3 Legal challengesStable and reliable implementation of the provisions of a common legal framework
Aligned architectures between eHDSI, ERNs and the future use-casesC.4 European Reference Network eHealth servicesConsistency between the eHealth services and the European Reference Networks architecture and improved interoperability
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