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eHAction sets strategies for next workshop

imagem do sobre do 435eHAction sets strategies for next workshop

The debate on the Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EHR), an electronic health record at the European level, as part of the eHAction project, continued today by a group of representatives from the European Commission and Member States, with a “transaction perspective”, as Henrique Martins, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPMS, EPE, said  at SPMS headquarters in Lisbon.

The definition of content and structure priorities was the focus of the debate, as well as the creation of working groups to analyse the feasibility of integrating functionalities that ensure the future implementation of this project.

Outlining strategies with the adoption of use cases for the application of EHR, with the objective of defining decisive points in practical cases, such as the translation of medical documents, also assumed a central role in the debate.

At the end of the workshop, the working group took stock of the project, setting deadlines, dates and topics for the next workshop scheduled for September in Brussels.

In conclusion, the main objective of the group is to foster the access to citizens to their data across border and give concrete inputs and recommendations to the European Comission about the EHR Exchange Format.

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