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eHAction on the "6th eHealth Stakeholders Group Meeting"

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The 3rd Joint Action to Support the eHealth Network is being presented to stakeholders today, October 12, in the 6th eHealth Stakeholders Group Meeting in Brussels.

As coordinator of “eHAction – 3rd Joint Action to Support the eHealth Network”, SPMS, EPE is represented by Diogo Martins and Diogo Gomes, Coordinators of International Projects and Communication, respectively, who introduced the project’s objectives to stakeholders in the name of the consortium constituted by 21 active entities.

The meeting also has the participation of the various partners involved and representatives of the European Commission, DG Santé (Directorate General Health and Consumers EC), DG Connect and DG Digital, to discuss topics such as the European Health Record, common semantic strategy, development of the project implementation, among other points.

Representing Portugal, SPMS takes responsibility for the coordination of eHaction – 3rd Joint Action and its dissemination, in order to reinforce stakeholder involvement and improve access to information for European citizens and professionals on eHealth.

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