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eHAction oficial kickoff

imagem do sobre do 12eHAction oficial kickoff

The eHAction kickoff meeting, the third Joint Action to support the eHealth Network, is being held today at the Centro Cultural de Belém, in Lisbon, during the 2nd eHealth Summer Week.

“Joint Action means we’re here to do things, not just discuss them. And we are here to do them together,”said Henrique Martins, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPMS, EPE at the opening session. Coordinated by Portugal, represented by SPMS, the eHAction is focused on citizenship, innovation and speed of implementation.

Under the motto “eHealth for the best healthcare to everyone from anywhere in Europe” this session focused on the principles of cooperation between Member States, sustainability and better eHealth services for better health care, “for everyone, anywhere around Europe”.

The lines of action for the Multi-Annual Work Program 2018-2021 were presented by representatives of each Work Package, in a joint collaboration that aims to meet the objectives in four priority areas: empowering citizens, innovative use of health data, improving continuity of care, and overcoming implementation challenges.

In addition to coordinating the eHAction project, SPMS, EPE is responsible for its dissemination, aiming to improve information accessibility for citizens and professionals in the eHealth area.

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