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eHAction Declaration on eSkills for Professionals at 23rd HISI 2018

imagem do sobre do 496eHAction Declaration on eSkills for Professionals at 23rd HISI 2018

The 23rd HISI Annual Conference & Scientific Symposium took place on November 6 and 7 in Croke Park, Dublin. This annual event is focused in Ireland’s eHealth strategies, and healthcare professionals are its core audience.

During the event, the eHAction HISI Declaration, about eSkill for professionals, was signed, commiting to support education in eHealth.

The conference had the participation of several researchers, educators, consultants and healthcare professionals, including SPMS’s International Projects Manager Diogo Martins.

Celina Costa Leite, SPMS’s Information Systems Manager, also attendend with the Paperless Prescription strategy, presenting the benefits of the innovating and well-awarded project.

The 3rd Joint Action – eHAction – yearns to reinforce stakeholder involvement and improve healthcare information access to all European citizens and professionals on eHealth.

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