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eHAction continues to work on People Empowerment

imagem do sobre do 2645eHAction continues to work on People Empowerment

The strategic goal of the eHealth Network (eHN) with regard to empowering people is to work towards the implementation of patient-centred eHealth solutions in all Member States and to provide people with the adequate digital tools and skills for people empowerment.

Therefore, eHAction have created two new more documents: a leaflet and a presentation about People Empowerment. The purpose of leaflet is to present you some of the recommendations to get a baseline of the current level of empowerment in your country. Furthermore, the presentation will help on the implementation of the patient-centred eHealth strategy, focus on digital tools and skills.

Since the start of the program in 2018, Work Package 4 has produced several documents on People Empowerment: a Policy Framework, a Policy Proposal, a Digital Magazine, a Leaflet and a Presentation. Within the program of eHAction, Nictiz (Netherlands) and MoSA (Estonia), have been cooperating within Work Package 4 on the subject of People Empowerment.

You cand find this two news documents in the following links: Leaflet and Presentation. The others official documents can be found on the Work Package 4 page and Digital Magazine.

The next step for Work Package 4 is to prepare a closing document that helps Member States to monitor their results. The result will be offered for adoption during the eHealth Network meeting 2nd and 3rd of June 2021.

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