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eHAction Closing Event “EU Cooperation to Empower Citizens’ Health & Care” was a success!

imagem do sobre do 2726eHAction Closing Event “EU Cooperation to Empower Citizens’ Health & Care” was a success!

On July 21st, eHAction hosted the event “EU Cooperation to Empower Citizens’ Health & Care”, by videoconference (10h00-13h00 CET),

This initiative represented project’s final event and marked the official closure of the eHAction. On this basis, the events gathered all relevant parties who took part in the eHAction’s journey so as to communicate and disseminate the progress made throughout the last three year while underlining the created value to the healthcare sector.

The presentation is available to download.

You can see the full video of the session:

Also, WP2 made a video representing all the work done by all work packages and presenting the big numbers of our achievements over the past 3 years:

Coordinated by Portugal and represented by SPMS, E.P.E., eHAction stood as was one of the major EU projects on digital health and was focused on health empowerment, innovation and sustainability.

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