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eHAction joins COCIR 60th Anniversary

imagem do sobre do 1208eHAction joins COCIR 60th Anniversary

COCIR – European Trade Association representing the medical imaging, radiotherapy, health ICT and electromedical industries celebrated its 60th anniversary on November 14th, in Brussels. Henrique Martins, eHAction Coordinator and eHealth Network Co-chair, was invited to attend the event as a speaker at the session “Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence”.

Focusing on Digital Health, Henrique Martins presented the progress of the eHealth Network, its priorities for 2020, as well as key opportunities and challenges for cross-border cooperation.

The ongoing work by eHAction – Joint Action Supporting the eHealth Network focuses on eHealth Network priorities – empowering citizens, innovating and improving interoperability of health systems to improve the quality and safety of health services provided to European citizens.

At the forefront of innovation, COCIR has promoted several events and publications in the field of digital health, interoperability, blockchain, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. Emphasising the importance of technological progress and the corresponding digital transformation in health, in this event, COCIR brings different perspectives from the point of view of patients, health professionals, academics and industry.

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