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1st eHAction Interoperability Workshop for Hospital CΙOs and CΕOs

imagem do sobre do 7511st eHAction Interoperability Workshop for Hospital CΙOs and CΕOs

WP7 – Overcoming implementation challenges, promotes the 1st eHAction Interoperability Workshop for Hospital CΙOs and CΕOs in Thessaloniki, Greece, July 10th and 11th. Henrique Martins, eHAction Coordinator and eHealth Network Cochair, joined the scientific sessions aimed at promoting the reflection on approaches to answer interoperability issues and the debate on cybersecurity challenges in healthcare organizations.

The first day of the agenda, this Wednesday, involved several monitors and managers (CΙOs and CΕOs) from hospitals, universities and health agencies from different European countries, as well as entities like DG CONNECT and ENISA.

Speakers’ panel comprised experts in specific fields as legal, organizational, technical and operational, organized in work groups to discuss and share ideas in a dynamic way.

In the second day work groups focused on the alignment of the next steps towards the definition of a practical and operational guide for IT Management on implementing interoperability actions in healthcare organizations.

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